To submit your requirements for a scopist, simply find your firm's link to the left or right and click.   This will open a new window to provide your name, contact information, the CAT system you use, and some other basics about the kind of work you need help with (audiosync, tapes, etc.).   We will contact our large network of scopists who are actively looking for work and save you the time of repeatedly finding out that one scopist after another is too busy to take your work.
Not sure what to expect from a scopist? Want to learn what makes a successful reporter/scopist team?
Click here for the "Scoop About Scoping."
Use this link if you are an independent reporter and would like to take advantage of this free service. |
Use this link if your firm is not listed and you would like it to be. |
This stand-alone program focusing on grammar and punctuation is for reporters, proof- readers, and established scopists!
Click here for details or to sign up!!